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March 1, 2017 Healthcare Fraud

Laboratories May be Liable under the False Claims Act for Submitting Claims for Screening Tests to Medicare

Laboratory tests are not medically necessary when they do not “determine a disease or illness. . . or medically or surgically manage an illness.” Strand Analytical Labs., LLC v. Burwell, 2015 WL 4603258, at *17 (S.D. Ind. July 30, 2015) (“The plain meaning of the words diagnose and treat do […]
February 27, 2017 Healthcare Fraud

A Laboratory’s Liability for Medically Unnecessary Lab Tests under the False Claims Act, Part II

In Part I of this blog series, we discussed when lab tests are considered “reasonable and necessary” under the False Claims Act (“FCA”) and therefore reimbursable by government health insurers such as Medicare and Medicaid, as well as a laboratory’s responsibility for ensuring that lab tests submitted for reimbursement are […]
February 24, 2017 Healthcare Fraud

A Laboratory’s Liability for Medically Unnecessary Lab Tests under the False Claims Act, Part I

This article addresses the liability of a diagnostic testing laboratory under the False Claims Act (“FCA”) for conducting lab tests that are ordered by a doctor and submitting claims for payment to government health insurers, such as Medicare and Medicaid, for those lab tests when those tests are not medically […]
February 22, 2017 Healthcare Fraud

“Medically Necessary” Ambulance Services Under the False Claims Act

A non-intervened False Claims Act case filed against Medstar, an ambulance company, settled for $12.7 million on January 17, 2017.  The qui tam case was filed on October 4, 2013 in the Federal District Court of Massachusetts under the caption United States ex rel. Dale Meehan v. MedStar et als, […]
February 20, 2017 False Claims Act Information

Can You Sue A Company Under the False Claims Act If You Don’t Have Copies of Claims for Payment?

A common problem for potential whistleblowers trying to start a case under the False Claims Act (“FCA”) is that they do not always have access to individual claims for payment made by the target defendant. Often this results because the employee does not work in the finance or billing division […]
February 15, 2017 False Claims Act Information

Using Differences in Geographic Scope to Avoid the First-to-File Rule in False Claims Act Whistleblower Cases

As recounted in our previous blog entry, the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”) contains a first-to-file rule, which provides that “[w]hen a person brings an action under [the False Claims Act] no person other than the Government may intervene or bring a related action based on the facts underlying the […]
February 13, 2017 False Claims Act Information

Piercing the Attorney Client Privilege in Qui Tam Whistleblower Cases Under the False Claims Act

It is well established that the scope and conduct of discovery are well within the sound discretion of the trial court. Gaul v. Zep Mfg. Co., No. 03-2439, 2004 U.S. Dist. Lexis 1990, at *3 (E.D. Pa. Feb. 5, 2004) (quoting Marroquin-Manriquez v. Immigration and Naturalization Serv., 699 F.2d 129, 134 […]
February 9, 2017 False Claims Act Information

Avoiding Application of the False Claims Act’s First-to-File Bar

The False Claims Act’s first-to-file rule provides that “[w]hen a person brings an action under [the False Claims Act], no person other than the Government may intervene or bring a related action based on the facts underlying the pending action.” 31 U.S.C. § 3730(b)(5).  This blog provides an overview of […]
January 25, 2017 Healthcare Fraud

Medicare Advantage Fraud Part I: Presentment of False Claims by Medical Providers to Medicare Advantage Organizations

Medicare fraud is one of the prime drivers of litigation under the False Claims Act (“FCA”). Under traditional Medicare, service providers are directly reimbursed with federal government funds. In 2003, Congress significantly expanded the availability of an alternative to traditional Medicare known as Medicare Advantage. Medicare Advantage differs from traditional […]
December 23, 2016 False Claims Act Information

The False Claims Act’s Seal Requirement

On December 6, 2016, in State Farm Fire and Casualty Co. v. United States ex rel. Rigsby, [1] the Supreme Court resolved a circuit split in holding that a violation of the False Claims Act’s (“FCA”) seal requirement does not automatically require dismissal of a relator’s claims. Still, relators and […]
November 16, 2016 False Claims Act Legal News

Excellent Opinion in Support of False Claims Act Case for Customs Fraud

The appeals court for the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware region recently issued an excellent ruling permitting claims of import fraud to proceed.  The ruling addressed several different issues, but this article will focus only on two – finding that sufficient details had been pled based on a credible methodology for alleging that […]
November 15, 2016 Contractor Fraud

Businesses That Misrepresent Their “Special Status” Eligibility for Contract or Grant Preferences Can Be Liable Under the False Claims Act

By Susan Schneider Thomas “The Congress has established a number of statutory goals designed to help small businesses compete for Federal contracts. In addition to the goal of awarding at least 23 percent of all Federal prime contracting dollars to small businesses, the Congress also established Government-wide contracting goals for […]
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