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April 24, 2017 False Claims Act Legal News

Another Appeals Court Limits One of the Barriers to a Whistleblower Lawsuit

In United States ex rel. Hayes v. Allstate Ins. Co., et al., Case No. 16­705, 2017 WL 1228551 (2d Cir. Apr. 4, 2017), the Second Circuit addressed an objection that it lacked jurisdiction over a whistleblower’s qui tam suit pursuant to what is known as the “first-to-file” rule.   31 U.S.C. § 3730(b)(5). That provision of the False Claims Act (“FCA”) states that “[w]hen a person brings an action […]
April 5, 2017 False Claims Act Legal News

Sweeping Decision Leaves Intact False Claims Act Claims Against Allergan, Inc.

In an opinion issued on March 31, 2017, District Judge Jesse M. Furman of the Southern District of New York substantially denied defendant Allergan, Inc.’s motion to dismiss claims arising under the False Claims Act (“FCA”) and state statutory analogs, in litigation captioned United States ex rel. Wood v. Allergan, […]
March 27, 2017 False Claims Act Legal News

Another Court Provides Strong Support for Whistleblower Use of Confidential Employer Documents to Expose Alleged Fraud

One of the ways in which companies attempt to discourage whistleblowing or to punish actual whistleblowers is by asserting legal claims against them for using company documents, sometimes in violation of employment agreements or other company employee policies or under various tort laws.[1] In one recent case, for example, the corporate […]
March 6, 2017 False Claims Act Legal News

Senator Chuck Grassley and Seema Verma Discuss the Importance of the False Claims Act to CMS

On February 16, 2017, the Senate Finance Committee held a confirmation hearing for Seema Verma to become the nation’s next Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (“CMS”). During her testimony, Senators raised wide-ranging questions about the best ways to maintain the quality of the Medicare and Medicaid […]
November 16, 2016 False Claims Act Legal News

Excellent Opinion in Support of False Claims Act Case for Customs Fraud

The appeals court for the Pennsylvania-New Jersey-Delaware region recently issued an excellent ruling permitting claims of import fraud to proceed.  The ruling addressed several different issues, but this article will focus only on two – finding that sufficient details had been pled based on a credible methodology for alleging that […]
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