June 15, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 2010, the State of Iowa passed the Iowa False Claims Act (“Iowa FCA”), its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Iowa FCA allows people who know about fraud to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for submitting or causing the submission of false […]
June 14, 2018
False Claims Act Information
The Louisiana Medical Assistance Programs Integrity Law (“Louisiana FCA”) is the State of Louisiana’s version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Louisiana FCA allows private individuals who know about fraud against Louisiana’s medical assistance programs to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for submitting or causing […]
June 14, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 2010, the State of Colorado adopted the Colorado Medicaid False Claims Act (“Colorado Medicaid FCA”), its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Colorado Medicaid FCA allows private individuals who know about Medicaid fraud to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for submitting or […]
June 14, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 2009, the State of Connecticut adopted the Connecticut False Claims Act (“Connecticut FCA”), its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Connecticut FCA allows private individuals who know about fraud to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for submitting or causing the submission of […]
June 13, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 2015, the State of Maryland adopted the Maryland False Claims Act (“Maryland FCA”), its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Maryland FCA allows private individuals to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for submitting or causing the submission of fraudulent claims to the […]
June 13, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 2000, the State of Hawaii adopted the Hawaii False Claims Act for False Claims to the State (“Hawaii FCA”), its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Hawaii FCA allows private individuals who know about fraud to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for […]
June 13, 2018
False Claims Act Information
The Massachusetts False Claims Act (“Massachusetts FCA”) is Massachusetts’ version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Massachusetts FCA allows private individuals who know about fraud against Massachusetts to bring a qui tam case against a person or entity for submitting or causing the submission of false claims to Massachusetts, including […]
June 12, 2018
False Claims Act Information
Under the False Claims Act, a whistleblower bringing a qui tam complaint must allege his/her claims with particularity under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b). Under Rule 9(b), plaintiffs (including False Claims Act whistleblowers) must plead the “who, what, when, where, and how” of the alleged misconduct. But does a […]
June 12, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 1991, the State of Illinois adopted the Illinois False Claims Act (“Illinois FCA”), formerly called the Illinois Whistleblower Reward and Protection Act, its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). The Illinois FCA prohibits false claims against the State of Illinois and allows private individuals who know […]
June 12, 2018
False Claims Act Information
Reporting Fraud Under the New Mexico False Claims Act The New Mexico False Claims Act states that if the government declines to take over a qui tam action, the party bringing the action shall have the right to conduct the action if the New Mexico Department of Human Services determines that there […]
June 8, 2018
False Claims Act Legal News
The IRS awarded former banker at UBS, whistleblower Bradley Birkenfeld, an award of $104 million for the inside information he provided related to UBS’s illegal offshore banking tax fraud case. UBS AG, a corporation organized under the laws of Switzerland, operates a global financial services business. Beginning in 2000 and […]
June 8, 2018
False Claims Act Information
In 2008, the State of New Jersey adopted the New Jersey False Claims Act (“New Jersey FCA”), its own version of the federal False Claims Act (“FCA”). A person or entity may be held liable under the New Jersey FCA for false claims submitted to New Jersey. Further, the Act allows […]