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April 2, 2014 SEC Fraud

The SEC Files Brief in Support of Whistleblower in Case Against Siemens

In 2010, the Dodd Frank Act was enacted to further financial reform and bring about greater integrity from those working on Wall Street. One of the hallmark features of the Act involves the implementation of a whistleblower program designed to incentivize those with original information about securities fraud to come […]
February 19, 2014 SEC Fraud

Securities and Exchange Commission Announces Plans to Enhance Whistleblower Program

Under the 2010 Dodd Frank Act, the Securities and Exchange Commission was tasked with organizing and implementing a whistleblower program similar to the False Claims Act – which has proven widely successful since its inception in the 1800’s. As a result, the SEC worked tirelessly to create its Office of […]
January 28, 2014 SEC Fraud

The Threat of Securities Fraud: A Global Perspective

In recent years, Congress expressed interest in mimicking the federal False Claims Act in an effort to identify, punish, and deter acts of fraud against taxpayers, investors, and the federal government as a whole in other areas. As a result, the 2010 Dodd Frank Act, which was drafted to implement […]
December 3, 2013 SEC Fraud

Review of SEC’s Report to Congress on the Impact of Dodd Frank’s Whistleblower Reform, Pt 2

In yesterday’s post, we introduced and began reviewing the recent report submitted to Congress by the SEC. It provides helpful details and insight into the whistleblower program advanced by the Dodd Frank Act as well as an analysis of fiscal year 2013 and the highlights therein, including a record-breaking $14 […]
December 2, 2013 SEC Fraud

Review of SEC Report to Congress on the Impact of Dodd Frank’s Whistleblower Reform, Pt 1

As we reported last week, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act has been highly integral in protecting investors and taxpayers as well as holding fraudulent investors and corporate managers responsible for their misdeeds. Earlier this month, the Securities Exchange Commission, an entity responsible for overseeing the securities […]
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