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March 11, 2024 News

Berger Montague Featured in’s “Litigators of the Week” for its Work in the Elite University Price-Fixing Case

On March 8, 2024, featured Berger Montague along with co-counsel Gilbert Litigators & Counselors and Freedman Normand Friedland in its “Litigators of the Week” spotlight. The interview discussed the ongoing price-fixing case against 17 elite universities, which alleges the universities conspired to limit financial aid awards and inflate tuition. 

The feature comes on the heels of the recent preliminary approval of three more settlements, including $33.75 million with Dartmouth, $43.5 million with Northwestern, and $55 million with Vanderbilt. To date, the litigation has resulted in settlements totaling $284 million. 

Read the Q&A here.

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